Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Few Old Things. And Something New

Jody pointed out that there are a bunch of pictures on the camera of various things we've made over the last while that haven't been posted yet. So she thought it would be a good idea to put them up tonight. I'm getting this started but she's probably going to end up writing up a bit of the entry later. Right now she's playing Wii Fit.

This is our second (or possibly third... I don't remember) attempt at using the Poach Pods. We've figured out how to use them and haven't overcooked an egg since the first time around. Here they are with some smashed avocado, a slice of tomato and some toasted English muffins. This may well be my new favorite breakfast. Or my new favorite supper.

Here they are with salsa verde. It's seriously heaven on a plate.

Switching spots now. Daniel is playing Wii Fit now and is currently doing warrior pose in his underwear. Last week we had discussed the need to make tasty sangria soon. So while I was at work he looked up some recipes and found equally yummy sounding recipes for white and red wine. So he made both.

The red had plums, cherries, oranges and limes. The white had raspberries, peaches, lemons and limes. It is really easy to consume two bottles of wine in this form. I'm trying to remember what we were doing on sangria night. I think we may have spent hours playing this. I'm sorry if you end up addicted. Well... not really.

During the last week we also came up with a fish curry. Some peppers, onions, red curry paste, veggie broth and a bit of coconut milk went into the mix. We added in some fish near the end and ate the result with some focaccia. And the teeny bit of sangria that remained.

This was also the first time we had used lemongrass. Daniel bought it on a whim and didn't actually have any idea what to do with it. So he started chopping up the big woody stalk into rounds and was about to dump them in before I stopped him. I mean... it's like chunks of stick. So we cut some bigger chunks and bruised them before throwing them in to add some flavour. Reading up on it later, we discovered that you can finely chop and use the inner bits but that's not really what was Daniel was doing. Now refered to as the epic lemongrass failure.

Daniel again. That's my lemograss failure. The less said about it the better. Moving on to tonight.

Speaking of things that shouldn't be talked about... Jody thought this was a good idea. I thought it was a good idea to indulge her. Yes, she runs the place.

Tonight is lasagna night. So less scrawny Asian kid, more Italian cooking! Everyone wins!

Here's a bowl full of pasta sauce and canned tomatoes. This will be providing the liquid and general redness so common in lasagna.

This is a different bowl containing ricotta and romano cheese, sauteed onions and garlic and a handful of random shredded cheese from the fridge. It will be providing pretty much everything else in the dish.

Except the noodles.

While we're waiting for the oven to heat Jody enjoys a bit of a drink. The tea pot is full of creme caramel black tea.

My glass is full of red wine. One of us is a lush, the other is less so. Can you guess which is which? The answer may surprise you.

Assembly begins.

Into a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes! Well... that's what the package of noodles said. Turns out it's full of nothing but lies and falsehoods. We ended up having it in there for about an hour. Which is fine. We updated this and played Wii Fit.

Jody seems to think things turned out well. And she was right. Man this stuff was good. I'm so full and happy.

This is my first plate. I had two. The second one was larger. Seriously. Full.

In other news, I love cheese.


JessLikesStuff said...

You guys have a wii fit??? I'm jealous.

Nice food!

Unknown said...

Dude, you suck at blogging.